Goal: Increase system efficiency
Education: Associate of Science Degree North Idaho College Graduated 2003
Skilled in Mathematics and Critical Thinking.
Knowledgeable in Chemistry, Physics, Microbiology, Game Theory, Art History, Theology, Space-time physics.
Work History:
Landscaping Idependent 3/2004-Pressent
Pulles weeds
Assists in yard work
Identification plants
Chemistry Prep Room Assistant, North Idaho College 1/1999-9/2002
Balanced scales
Created and set up labs for students
Cleaned test tubes properly
Necessary Haz mat training and experiance using Hazardous materials.
Miscellaneous props. for "Bed of Roses" in 1996
Other Skills/ Abilties
Proficient in Spreadsheets

Note, add writing doctoral thesis to my to do list.
ReplyDeletePost-Doctoral position in Neurophysiology and Psychiatry
I notice Harvard is embezzling huge amounts of money from people with Autism. This destructive fraud, is abusive to children, and discriminates against, them from birth.
In 1945 we began using a waste product from the oil industry in water. It appears this waste product would combine with sodium to form a neurological mutagen, NaF. NaF would change the function of human nerves. The focus on written work, in abusive behavioral sink environments, without acquitted, exercise food or water, did serious damage to many of my peers as well as myself. Being out of sink with things developing late, and having to focus on non-written activities gave me many advantages. I chose Algebra 2 as an elective in high school. I dropped out of high school early my senior year, and started college in the middle of that year. I walked right into a important job, washing dishes 3 times with regular water and 3 times with de-ionized in the Chemistry prep room at North Idaho College. I worked there 5 semester, and carried a full load, but I lacked endurance and had difficulty taking measurements. I suppose it was wrong of me to think there were more capable people, who did not need my help. I look back to before the beginning of time and wow, humans just keep causing ecological disasters and running to the next place. It appears many of the oceans mangrove forests are destroyed and that we are digging up caustic substances and heavy metals, from the Dead sea where they pool, instead of from the missing Mediterranean wetland. When you look over my resume I want you to consider the damage done to the children of Chemists who survived curiosity and recognize the existence of illegal discrimination at the university level against students with sensory disorder. I found that school environments were aversive and distracting to my studies, so much of my education goes undocumented.
Thank You for considering my resume.
Mary E. Ester Esther Tormey